Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Reality TV essay response

Regarding Reality TV essay

Surfer Email
> submit that it isn't those of us that don't find "reality" tv entertaining
> that are stupid, but those that do.

My Response
I understand that. Just as people thought those who read books were stupid
when books were first invented.

Surfer Email
>If you like to live your life vicariously by following some one else around
>24/7, then I submit that there is something seriously missing in your own

My Response
Almost all entertainment is grounded in telling stories that have a
connection to our own life. Just as there is nothing inherently wrong with
identifying with the travails of Fred Flintstone, we can also enjoy the
story of Ozzy Osbourne.

Surfer Email
>However if you find that
> entertaining then by all means you have the right to do so.

My Response
thank you!

Surfer Email
>Many of us have
> better things to do than be closet peeping Tom's. I notice that you
> chastise me for not giving any examples of why it is bad, but then don't
> give any examples of why it is good other than your own opinion to which
> you are entitled.

My Response
All we have our opinions so that is all I can give. That is all you have
also. Many intellectuals love to cite books, but that is just citing someone elses
opinion. Anyways, if you read my essay which you it seems you didn't. I give several examples of why it is good. My main point is that humans have always
desired stories based on human experiences they can relate to, but only
recently has technology allowed us to do that job so well by filming
unscripted situations.

Surfer Email
>But then I guess that is what it boils down to isn't it, personal opinions
>and preference?

My Response
of course. there isn't anything else. I don't believe in god. And even if
I did, I doubt he would waste his time telling us what is the superior form
of entertainment/communication.

Surfer Email
> I will concede that sometime in the future I may find a reality show that
> will prove interesting to me, but so far that hasn't happened. Your point
> is well taken that perhaps I don't find it interesting because it is not
> real enough.

My Response

Surfer Email
>The problem is that the very
> presence of the tv camera probably affects the reactions of the
> participants and outcome of the show.

My Response
of course, but it is still more real than the show "friends" or "bugs bunny"

Surfer Email
>To be truly real the subjects would have to be
> unaware that they are being taped and that would be very hard to do, at
> least legally. By the very nature of television there has to be some
> degree of scripting or control of the participants.

My Response
of course. Seems you are a real reality tv junky and are just upset that
the medium has not advanced far enough yet. don't worry . . . it will!


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